Tijdens vijf (online) Whataboutery’s, werd dieper ingaan op de thema’s van de tentoonstelling Ties that Bind.

Hieronder vind je de online registraties van Whataboutery 01: Political Bodies, Whataboutery 02: Dismantling Tradition en Whataboutery 05: Designing Integrity.

Whataboutery 01: Political Bodies with Farah Fayyad, Alia Ali and Esna Su. Moderator Rachel Dedman
Whataboutery 02: Dismantling Tradition, with speakers Sunny Dolat, NKWO, Maison ARTC and moderator Louise Bennetts
Whataboutery 05: Designing Integrity with speakers ABOUT A WORKER, Luna Del Pinal, Las Manuelas Project and moderator Rachel Dedman