Visit the Fashion Lounge 025 by Mode Partners 025 during UITNACHT ARNHEM on Friday, January 26 in Rozet. Will we see you there?

During UITNACHT ARNHEM, experience fashion in an exciting way. Come to the Fashion Lounge in Rozet in Arnhem and see the work of the fashion students of ArtEZ University of the Arts: on film you can see the Arnhem Collection as well as an exhibition of their Toile-de-Luxe 2024. State of Fashion gives you a preview of the upcoming fashion Biennale with the theme Ties that Bind and you can macramé, braid, knit or knot at the installation Does it have an end?

With Made In___ you can see the world journey that all parts of a garment make, visualized by Museum Arnhem and the Master students of ArtEZ. You can also see creations by students from RijnIJssel and visit an exhibition by Arnhem designers  curated by FDFA. Don’t forget to look in the virtual fitting mirror of Modemuze during the Fashion Lounge: put on a museum garment and step into another world with it. Resulting in a beautiful photo of you.

Friday, January 26, 2024, 8 p.m. – midnight, free entrance.
Rozet, Kortestraat 16, Arnhem, third floor (accessibility: there is an elevator)

Fashion Lounge 025 is curated for UITNACHT ARNHEM by Mode Partners 025, with special thanks to Modemuze and Rozet.

Mode Partners 025
Mode Partners 025 is a collaboration of Museum Arnhem, ArtEZ University of the Arts, Rijn IJssel Creative Industry, State of Fashion and Fashion + Design Festival Arnhem. Powered by Gemeente Arnhem. MP025 deploys knowledge, network and vision to contribute to the positive impact of fashion on social, cultural, economic and ecological developments. MP025 gives pioneers in the region a face and a stage.

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