State of Fashion 2024 | Através das águas costuramos outras histórias brasileiras
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At the heart of this edition of the State of Fashion Biennale is a decentralised structure. Ties that Bind has unfolded across four places: the home site here in Arnhem, as well as in three sister sites in Kenya, India, and Brazil. In each sister site, an interlocutor-curator – Sunny Dolat in Nairobi, Kallol Datta in Bengaluru, and Hanayrá Negreiros in São Paulo – was invited to develop a Ties that Bind project embedded in their local context and community. Their thoughtful, powerful exhibitions happened in March and April 2024, and highlights from each one are presented in Arnhem.
It is impossible to talk about Brazil without travelling through bodies of water. From the sea, we inherit civilisational torrents of African nations that were ported here and thrived in counter-colonial resistance. From freshwater, we feel the springs of struggle of the Indigenous people of this land emerge. Seeing water as a medium and crossings as a conceptual key to understanding the country, we orient ourselves through the knowledge of Brazilian Indigenous and Afro-diasporic people.
This exhibition rises like a collective embroidery, where memory becomes the guiding thread, sewing the method, and imagination the backdrop. The waters and sewing evoked in the title act as symbolic bridges between past, present, and future. It brings together commissioned works and pieces from the collections of artists whose practices and voices knit stories and memories of their communities. Interweaving politics, spirituality and poetry, they reimagine Brazil. Their work is an unstoppable force, originating from the collective core, present in our bodies, in our desires, in our future: the sewing of our own history.
State of Fashion 2024 | Através das águas costuramos outras histórias brasileiras
Under the title State of Fashion 2024 | Através das águas costuramos outras histórias brasileiras, Hanayrá Negreiros organised an exhibition and a series of talks at Centro Cultural São Paulo (CCSP), in São Paulo Brazil, between 5-7 April.
Een vertegenwoordiging van State of Fashion 2024 | Através das águas costuramos outras histórias brasileiras is te zien in Rembrandt Theater, gedurende de looptijd van de Biënnale.
Através das águas costuramos outras histórias brasileiras
Through the Waters We Sew Other Brazilian Stories, São Paulo, Brazil
Centro Cultural São Paulo, 5 – 7 April 2024
Curated by Hanayrá Negreiros
Aline Motta
Angela Brito
Bordadeiras do Curtume
Goya Lopes
Dayana Molina
Isa Silva
Sallisa Rosa
Hanayrá Negreiros
Hanayrá Negreiros is a fashion scholar, writer and curator. Previously deputy curator of fashion at the Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand, she is currently focusing her PhD on Afro-Atlantic clothing, fashion, Black women and the 19th century.
Hanayrá aims to decentralise Brazilian fashion in São Paulo, focusing on indigenous artists and designers through a series of collaborative commissions.