Through an Open Call for Curators, it has been announced that the 2024 State of Fashion Biennale will be curated by Rachel Dedman & Louise Bennetts. Their curatorial framework further develops the concept of co-creation and will invite designers, artists, creators or collectives to be part of the decentralised curatorial team.

For the 2024 biennale, the main outcomes and findings of State of Fashion 2022 | Ways of Caring serve as inspiration and starting point. Actively challenging prevailing perspectives and making room for untold stories and experiences remains an important goal. But how can we define the unequal power relations between the dominant global North and global South and share and disseminate non-Western knowledge? Could the concept of the ‘exhibition’ be challenged and enriched so that it invites and inspires the visitor? We are asking the new curatorial team to provide direction and vision for new forms of presentation.

The ambition is to make the theme attractive to both professionals and the general public, with education as a focal point. Ultimately, we hope to encourage behavioural changes, new practices as well as creating awareness.

Introduction co-curators State of Fashion Biennale 2024 | Ties that Bind. Video by MUMSTER

Meet the curators

Louise Bennetts

Louise Bennetts is a designer, researcher, maker and lecturer specialising in research and development surrounding future fashion and textile systems and sustainable innovation. She is interested in new fashion systems that challenge the current landscape both from a material and manufacturing perspective, as well as social and political.

Rachel Dedman

Rachel Dedman is a curator, writer and art historian specialised in modern and contemporary art and design from the Middle East. Since 2019 she has been the Jameel Curator of Contemporary Art from the Middle East at the Victoria & Albert Museum, London.